HARINACS Deutschland
Mojique Herrmann

Augartenstraße 93

76137 Karlsruhe


Telefon: 0176 - 341 207 53

E-Mail: info[at]harrinacs.net

USt-ID: 282 345 691

St-Nr. 35085/08875

This disclaimer is for the web presence at the address:

www.harinacs.net | www.stapleless-stapler.com | www.klammerlos-heften.de

The website is part of the WWW, and therefore, connected to third party websites that can change their content at any time. These websites are not subject to this area of accountability and the following information does not apply to them. Before including these links, they were checked thoroughly once to confirm that they do not violate morals and laws. 

The content of our website has been compiled with meticulous care and to the best of our knowledge. However, we cannot assume any liability for the up-to-dateness, completeness or accuracy of any of the pages. We cannot assume any liability for damages arising from the use of this website and its contents.

Infringement of intellectual property rights 

If you suspect that this website infringes on any of your property rights please send an email to us at info[at]harinacs.net and let us know straight away so that we can deal with the issue immediately.

Data protection

The protection of your privacy and all personal information collected, processed,  or used during your visit on our Internet site is important to us.

Your data will be protected in compliance with German laws.
Below you will find detailed information how data is collected when you are visiting our site and how this data is used.

Collecting and processing of information


During access to our web site, for technical reasons, your Internet browser automatically transfers data to our web server. These data include, among others, the date and time of access, the URL of the referring web page, the file called up, the quantity of data transmitted, the browser type and version, the operating system as well as your IP address. These data are stored separately from other data that you enter while using our web site offering. We cannot assign this data to a particular person. These data are processed for statistical reasons only and are deleted immediately after processing. 


M. Herrmann


© 2016